

Getting here

According to our users we are the best valued golf course in Spain, be sure to visit us.

Carretera Alzira-Tabernes de la Valldigna CV-50, Km 11
46740 Carcaixent (Valencia)

Phone Us:
Resort – +34 96 110 38 38
Restaurante – +34 662 943 546


From Valencia:
A-7 Alicante-Albacete motorway on the A-7 until exit 872 (CV-50 L’Alcúdia Centro – Carlet – Alzira) and take direction Alzira-Tabernes de Valldigna. On arrival in Alzira, follow the same road CV-50 towards Tabernes de Valldigna. Cross the village of Barraca de Aigües Vives and after 1 km on the right you will see the sign La Galiana Campo de Golf.

From Alicante: Take the AP-7 towards Valencia, take exit 60 (Gandia-Xeresa-Tabernes de Valldigna). Merge onto the N-332 towards Tabernes de Valldigna, take the CV-50 towards Alzira. Follow the CV-50 towards Alzira and after 5 kilometres on the left you will see the sign La Galiana Campo de Golf).

Nearest airport:
Manises Airport 60 km.

Reference Facility:
Aguas Vivas Hospital